Tag: safe sleep resource
The Power of Your Newborn Online Course
safe sleep resource
The Power of Your Newborn is a free, online video course developed by and for Indigenous women caring for newborns. These videos are full of wisdom from traditional teachings and practices, as well as current public health recommendations – all to support you in your parenting journey. Each video is 5 to 25 minutes.
Before You Begin...
Before you begin this course, please fill out this survey to help us better understand who is using our resources.
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Thank you for completing The Power of Your Newborn online video course series! We ask that you please take the time to complete our course survey so we may improve future courses!
There is a certificate of completion at the end of the survey you may print for your records.
Infant Safe Sleep
safe sleep resource
Ending Tobacco Use
Ending commercial tobacco use in the home is a way to help keep your baby safe. Second hand and third hand smoke affects baby’s breathing and development. The American Indian Commercial Tobacco Program offers culturally tailored coaches to assist you on your quit journey.