Tag: Nutrition Access Resource
Nutrition Access Resource
Anishinaabek Cooking Resources
Additional Resource
Healthy Cooking Anishinaabek Way Cookbook
Included below is a collaborative collection of recipes, cooking videos, and other healthy nutrition materials titled Anishinaabek Cooking Resources (ACR). The ACR cooking video and recipe content was created by the Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan and participating tribes through support from its Michigan Tribal Food Access Coalition and Walmart Healthy Native Foods Projects.
The Anishinaabek Cooking Resources are packaged into a series of 12 monthly PDF sets which include links to cooking demonstration videos, recipes, and nutrition education resources. Each recipe demonstration promotes the use of healthy ingredients which are traditional to Michigan Native Americans, many of which are available at local grocery stores, farmer’s markets, or through Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservation (FDPIR) programs.
The educational resources which accompany each video link include handouts on Anishinaabek culture through the 13 Moons Anishinaabe Nutrition project and nutrition information and cooking tips provided by the 2020 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
We hope that everyone will enjoy our ACR Cookbook and the delicious health-giving recipes within.
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