Category: Health Ed – Resources
The ITCM’s past REACH US project was a national, multilevel program that served as the cornerstone of the CDC’s efforts to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in health. The ITCM’s REACH US program worked with three Tribes over five years in order for each diverse community to design, implement, and evaluate community-driven strategies to eliminate health disparities related to cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus.
Bay Mills Indian Community REACH US – Success Story
Hannahville Indian Community REACH US Success Story
Saginaw Chippewa Indian Community REACH US Success Story
For more information about the ITCM REACH project, please contact REACH Program Manager, Cathy Edgerly at (906) 632-6896 ext. 111 or
ITCM Tribal 4 X 4 Program
Goal: The ITCM 4 X 4 Program is funded through the Michigan Department of Community Health in order to create a Tribal Coalition which works to encourage 4 healthy behaviors: (1) Take part in a healthy diet, (2) Engage in regular exercise, (3) Avoid all commercial tobacco use, and (4) Take part in an annual clinical exam which includes these 4 clinical measures: Body Mass Index, Blood Glucose, Blood Pressure, and Cholesterol. All 12 Federally Recognized Tribes along with the American Indian Health and Family Services Agency participate.
Objectives: Each Tribe selects from a menu of objectives which include: 1) Promote the MI Healthier Tomorrow 4 x 4 media message and Take the Pledge to Lose 10%; 2) Adopt system guidelines/to screen all adults for Body Mass Index, Glucose, Cholesterol, and Blood Pressure; 3) Improve Healthy Work Environments; and 4) Increase healthier food choices and encouraging physical activity in tribal venues.
The project will create increased opportunities for improved nutrition and physical activity, resulting in reduced obesity rates and associated chronic disease.
Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes in Indian Country
Cardiovascular disease and diabetes disproportionately affect American Indians and Alaska Natives as compared to other racial and ethnic groups. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for American Indians and Alaska Natives with over one third of deaths occurring before the age of 65[i], while diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, a costly condition that requires dialysis or kidney transplant for survival [ii]. In response, the Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan provides evidence-based, culturally appropriate resources to support healthy lifestyle behaviors and ultimately prevent or manage these diseases.
Health Ed - Resources

Our Work
Plain Language Training – Making a Proverb Come True for our Client, May 2022
Nutrition, Food Access, & Cancer Survivorship, October 2020
Aligning the Chronic Disease Model w Chronic Disease Management Tribal Health System, 2020
Alcohol and Tobacco Screening – Practice Improvement using Data, 2021
Addressing Colorectal Cancer Screening Refusals in Tribal Health Centers, March 2022
A Lesson in Health Communications – Creating Effective Event Flyers, June 2021
Reaching American Indians Alaska Natives – MDHHS Lunch and Learn